Sunday, April 29, 2012

Google Adsense - Program policies

Complying with policy
To participate in AdSense and to keep your account in good standing, you'll need to learn and follow our program policies. We've highlighted a few policies below, but this is only a brief overview, so make sure you read the full list of policies.
  1. Don't click on your own ads.
  2. Don't ask others to click on your ads.
  3. Don't include any prohibited site content, including adult content, violence or excessive profanity, drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), or copyrighted material.
  4. Don't modify the AdSense code.
  5. Do follow our Webmaster Quality Guidelines.
  6. Do provide a good user experience.
  7. Don't place more than 3 ad units, 3 link units, and 2 search boxes on any page.
  8. Don't place images near ads in a way that may mislead users into thinking that the images are associated with the ads.
If you're ever concerned that you might be violating policies, there's no need to email us to ask. We're constantly monitoring sites displaying the AdSense code and will contact you if we notice any issues with the way you've implemented the ads.
You can also help us maintain the quality of the AdSense network by sending us a report if you happen to notice a site that is violating Google AdSense program policies.

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