Saturday, April 28, 2012

What i think about Samsung Galaxy Note.

So I think about the SG Note???
Well, I have been using the iPhone since version3 (till now 4s) and is a little bore and thought of trying to have a change. So about 3 weeks back, I bought a one month used Note thru the web. I bought it at $760/- and sold it out at $780/- after using for a week.
Samsung Galaxy Note
The problem I had was obviously too big. Your fingers will get tired as the phone is big and you need to reach to the opp side when you are using only one handed. I also feel that it will drop easily well you are typing or navigating on the phone. But what I dislike most is Samsung's soft touch button located at the bottom left and right. Sometime when you navigating around the phone or going into any apps you will somehow tends to rest your thumb and you will accidentally touch the key and leads you out of the apps or popping out the menu function. I hope Samsung can improve on this and Iight consider to give it another try.

Update: Just realise you can make the phone into silent mode by facing the phone down on the desk.
this is useful when you are in a meeting. Just face the phone down and its in silent mode.


  1. I'm considering to get a S2 instead.

  2. At least One thing that I'm very impress about Samsung smart phone compare to iPhone is the voice recognition. I bought iPhone 4S because of Siri but it is totally useless to me as Siri didn't really understand what I'm talking about. ( maybe is due to my poor "engalish") but Samsung understand me a lot better. Maybe its from Korea and it understand asian English better. Trust me, you will enjoy speaking to Samsung than Apple.
